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With more than 1.3million members, AI Accelerator Institute's community is LinkedIn's largest (and fastest growing) hub for builders & execs dedicated to applied AI, deep learning and machine learning.
Join the community to keep across the latest innovations and releases, and have your say by joining discussions with fellow members.
Why advertise with us?
Audience size 🤝
1,355,968, (and counting).
Engagement & impressions 📊
Monthly stats:
➝ Total post views: 6million+
➝ Average impressions per post: 50,000+
➝ New members: 120,000+
Location 📍
This is a truly global community, with our major audiences located in:
US (35% ), India (25%), UK (14%), Germany (8%), France (7%), Switzerland, Canada, Czechia, Singapore, UAE
Demographic 🔎
Our members lean heavily towards high-skilled workers within enterprise AI.
Our members work at companies like Stability AI, NVIDIA, OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, Hugging Face, Cruise, Walmart, Tesla, and many more.
Partners 📝
AIAI collaborates with pioneering enterprises and startups to expand their customer base through meaningful connections with our active community of professionals.
IBM, Shutterstock, Deci, SuperAnnotate and Labelbox are some of the companies we've worked with recently.
Book your ad, and step in front of a community vouched for by AI A-Listers all around the globe...