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Here’s a selection of presentations you can find inside… sign up today to tap into (literally!) 100s more.

  • AI for large scale AI product development [Bosch]
  • Revolutionizing vision and edge AI applications with CPUs [Intel]
  • Computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence for space exploration and science [NASA JPL]
  • Operating at the edge for our smart logistics network [UPS]
  • AI innovation in healthcare: making the invisible visible [Novatis]
  • Connecting AI, 5G and cloud with distributed intelligence [Qualcomm]


This sounds great, how can I sell it to my manager?

Easy. At just $20 a month, if one idea sparks one change that converts just one customer, you’ll already have made your money back. In reality, you and I both know the results will span far wider than that though.

How long will I have access to the content for?

Forever. Once you’ve signed up, providing you keep your subscription active, all the presentations are yours to access as much as you want, for as long as you want.

Is access to upcoming virtual events included?

Sure is. As an OnDemand membership plan owner, you’ll get free access to all our upcoming virtual events as standard, as well as access to the OnDemand recordings straight after.

Will I get access to all your in-person events, too?

All OnDemand members will get 10% off all our in-person AI Accelerator and Computer Vision summits. And again, you’ll get access to all the OnDemand footage straight after, too.

I work on the application side of AI, do you still have stuff for me?

Absolutely. We draw upon content from all sides of the AI ecosystem.