Members-only News Roundup News roundup: 5 things from the world of artificial intelligence in January 2023 We’re now onto the second month of 2023 and January certainly hasn't been a dull month! Here are a few headlines from January 2023....
Members-only News Roundup 7 things you need to know from the world of AI in October In this month’s edition of our news roundup series, we’ll cover a few topics in machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision, from healthcare to aerospace....
Members-only News Roundup Artificial intelligence in August: 5 things you need to know In this month’s edition, we’ll cover a few topics in AI and machine learning, from healthcare to aerospace....
Members-only News Roundup News roundup: 5 things from the world of AI in June June keeps highlighting the importance of AI in medicine, while also giving us insight into early human behavior....
Members-only News Roundup News roundup: 6 things from the world of AI in April From machine learning being used to predict natural catastrophes like earthquakes and volcano eruptions to AI giving Hawaii a helping hand in protecting its biodiversity, we’ve highlighted a few noteworthy studies....
Members-only News Roundup News Roundup - March 2022 In our first news roundup, we go over a few relevant articles from March, offering an insight into the month’s news on AI, ML, deep learning, and edge computing....